Orthopedist warns of the dangers of a bunion on the big toe

Orthopedist warns of the dangers of a bunion on the big toe

A bunion on the big toe causes a lot of inconvenience. This is known to those who have already encountered the problem.

In addition to its unsightly appearance, hallux valgus (bump) can also cause sharp pain when running or walking. What are the causes of this problem and how to deal with it, explained to October 19th the candidate of medical sciences, the highest category doctor, traumatologist-orthopedist of the SM-Clinic Mikhail Doroshev.

“From personal experience, I can say that the same bump on the first toe does not appear and does not go away on its own. This disease has its own causes, and it can develop in both men and women. Although girls suffer most often because of the fashion of wearing high heels or shoes with a narrow toe,” the specialist noted.

According to him, when wearing uncomfortable shoes all the time, the cushioning is disrupted, the load on the foot is distributed unevenly, and as a result, all parts of the foot suffer, including the metatarsal bones, where the bunion appears. Under the strong pressure of this bone growth, the big toe begins to creep onto the others. Such a deformation can cause many health problems in the future. Subscribe to our website wellcarehq.com And be the first to know about the main news and most important event of the day

Orthopedist warns of the dangers of a bunion on the big toe

The appearance of a lump on the foot can also be associated with various injuries, primarily in athletes, the doctor explained. This is especially true for football players, figure skaters or gymnasts who train a lot and put a lot of strain on their feet, which can lead to tendon ruptures and bone injuries. *“This becomes a<<prerequisite for the formation << of a lump at the site of a metatarsal bone fracture”*.

Doroshev also drew attention to a number of diseases, primarily rheumatoid arthritis and arthrosis, which can affect the joints of the foot. Degeneration of the metatarsal bones associated with these diseases is one of the reasons for the development of a bunion. At a young age, such changes are not particularly noticeable, but in older people they can be accompanied by extremely unpleasant pain.

Sometimes the appearance of a protruding bone is facilitated by constant work on the legs, excess weight and flat feet, the orthopedist pointed out. *“Hallux valgus and << flat feet are two inseparable companions”*. Violation of normal cushioning and incorrect distribution of load on the toes inevitably leads to the formation of a bump. This is how a bone growth gradually develops.

“If you think that you can simply forget about a bunion, just wear orthopedic insoles for a while, then you are deeply mistaken. The consequences of hallux valgus can be extremely unpleasant. First of all, it is a sharp pain when walking and, as a result, restriction of movement. Agree, no one in such a situation is ready to constantly endure it. Therefore, as a doctor, I see the only way out – surgical removal of the bunion,” the specialist added.

Earlier, on October 13, traumatologist and orthopedist Alexander Shalipov of JSC Meditsina (Academician Roytberg’s Clinic) said that gait disturbances can indicate diseases and pathologies. He notes that, for example, walking with short steps can indicate Parkinson’s disease.

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